Friday, February 10, 2012

Recap and Reintroduction - February 10, 2012

To those who are reading this blog for the first time:  I turned 50 one year ago, on February 10, 2011.  One year before that, I decided that I needed to do something spectacular during the year leading to my 50th birthday.  Since I'm an avid swimmer, I decided to try to swim in 50 different places.  The blog posts before this detail that journey (and yes, I did swim in 50 places!)

As the excitement of my 50th birthday drifted to a close, people asked if I was going to swim in 51 places this year.  It was difficult to imagine at the time, but I did record my swims "just in case."  Well, it turns out we did a fair amount of traveling this year to places surrounded by water, so just yesterday -- the day before my 51st birthday -- I swam at #51!

Over the next several days, I'll recap the year.  Stay tuned!