November 26, 2010 -- Yes, it is the day after Thanksgiving, and I am talking about swimming in the ocean. Harvey and his brother have come up with a plan that will get me four swims. That would be great -- but the question is, will I live to tell the tale?

Armed with a borrowed wetsuit, we head to the first spot: Philbin Beach in Aquinnah. We spent so many summer days here in years past, and it is a spectacular beach, especially if you love diving in the waves. I have to say, I took one look at the surf and was terrified. Waves were crashing all over each other. Normally I would run right in, dive under and swim beyond the waves. But normally it's not a chilly, overcast November day. This was not a long swim, and my terror did not subside - but I did it!

Next stop was Lobsterville Beach, where the water is calm. This was (relatively) easy to get into, but it is very shallow and you have to walk kind of far before you can swim. This is when I realized that I should have bought swim shoes. My feet were so cold, I really couldn't feel what I was stepping on. My personal lifeguard, Daphne, was not happy that I was in the water.

Third stop, Squibnocket Beach. Waves. It didn't look as ferocious as Philbin Beach, so I went in with more confidence and immediately set off for a swim parallel to the shore. I figured I'd swim the length of the beach, maybe go back and forth a couple of times. I started in water that was about hip-deep, not wanting to go too far out. I swam down one way, turned around to come back, and saw that the shore was a whole lot farther away than it was when I started. I know about undertow and rip currents, but all of a sudden I was, once again, terrified. I was also freezing. I got back to shore without too much trouble, but determined that swimming in November in heavy surf on an unguarded beach was not something I'd choose to repeat.
Fourth stop, Menemsha Beach. Menemsha is a pebbly beach but great for swimming. By the time we got there, though, the wetsuit was no longer keeping me warm. I was really, really cold -- but we were there, and I had to do it. I actually had a nice little swim here.
Overall, I think I prefer summertime swims in the ocean.
And I prefer watching you swim in the summertime in perfect conditions!
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