This is me, Cathy. I love to swim. Indoors, outdoors, pools, natural water, anywhere, and as often as possible. I have often said that swimming is what keeps me out of a padded cell -- or, as a friend once said as we jumped in the water together, "Instant good mood!" As I approach my 50th birthday, staying healthy, flexible, and happy has become even more important.
About that 50th birthday: I decided that I wanted to come up with a challenge for my 50th year. What could be more natural that a swimming challenge? But swimming 50 times in a year is not a challenge -- I've been doing that and more for years!
So, in honor of my 50th year, which began on February 10, 2010 and ends on February 10, 2011, I am attempting to swim in 50 different locations. There are very few rules to my swims, but the most important one is, I have to swim. No hot tubs, kiddie pools, or lily dips.
Here we go!
This is an awesome blog!! So proud of you and good luck on your last laps!! :)